C.E.R.S. was contracted by the fuel oil dealer and the tank warranty program due to a sudden loss of 1000 gallons of fuel from the client’s UST. C.E.R.S. procured an emergency removal permit from the township and removed the tank the following morning. Roughly 100 tons of impacted soils were removed from the excavation and neither ground water nor bedrock was encountered. C.E.R.S. collected post remediation soil samples and backfilled the excavation to grade. The data determined that further soil remediation was required and C.E.R.S. conducted this remedial process by load and go techniques and an additional 50 tons of soils were removed. Neither ground water nor bedrock were encountered in the phase II remedial services. C.E.R.S. then conducted a geoprobe investigation to determine the depth to ground water and whether floating product was present. Ground water was found at 20′ bg and free product was found. The soils portion of the project was completed for the tank warranty program. The homeowner insurance company provided coverage for the ground water remedial activities. C.E.R.S. located and installed a recovery well and three site wells. Potable wells in the area and a downgradient stream were potential receptors. C.E.R.S. designed, constructed, installed and maintained a ground water pump and treatment system and monitored the site wells and potential receptors. Roughly 960 gallons of free product was recovered during the term of the project. No receptors were adversely impacted by the sudden release. All ground water investigation and remedial services are conducted through the homeowner’s insurance company. The project was completed for a No Further Action Determination.