This project involved emergency response activities as a result of a sudden release of fuel oil from a 1,000 gallon heating oil tank. The breached tank released fuel oil to the subsurface soils and the adjacent dwelling footing drain discharged fuel oil through underground drain lines to a horse paddock. The release occurred in the winter therefore, the permafrost surface soils created a sheet flow of fuel oil into a wetland area having numerous rivulets. The stream was ultimately impacted as well. C.E.R.S. emergency activities included the installation of filter fences in the stream, absorbent materials in the rivulet area, construction of underflow dams and installation of a collection trench at the base and at the point of discharge within the horse paddock to mitigate migration of fuel oil. A considerable volume of fuel oil was recovered in the first few days of remedial activities. Once the release was under control a permitted ground water pump and treat system designed, installed and operated for a period of six months to project completion. Additional activities included contaminated surface soil remediation, UST removal including soil remediation, remedial investigation including sediment, surface water, ground water and soils. A UST Closure and Remedial Action report for “No Further Action” recommendation was completed and approved by the NJDEP. The project was completed within one year of the release.
We have completed a number of projects similar to this project’s size and complexity and continually provides this service described.